Sunday 27 February 2011

Welcome newcomers

I have been told that there are newcomers on this webpage so here is a bit about what the webpage is about.
Dear wizards and witches out there. This site has been created on the world wide web to help our students, those who cant attend our school or those who are to young to attend, to learn magic and the theory behind it. This site will also have tours of Hogwarts to help anyone who will join our school. Since we have no teleyphony line you cannot contact us by muggle ways so you will have to send a letter via owl. Hope you enjoy this new site.
Professor Adams

Tuesday 15 February 2011

Care of magical and muggle creatures

Due to the fact that most students live in the muggle world we have changed the curriculum so that you look at muggle animals as well. This will allow us to look at extinct animals as well because it is very likely that a wizard could use a time turner to go to the prehistoric age and bring back a beast. So be ready to study lots more.


Hi this is your first Care of magical creatures lesson. So I thought we should just cover...
Sorry to interrupt the lesson but I need to just say something to the students. I am very sorry that I have not put anything on the site recently but it turns out that the jinx that hit the muggle studies teacher produces boils which are very infectious. Sadly I am also covered in boils but I will start putting things on the website.

Thank you Professor Adams for updating us. Now as I was saying I thought that we should cover somthing that will come up in your OWL's in a coulple of years. Kneazle's look very similar to cats however they are much more inteligent. They can tell if a person is sucpicous and will attack them. These animals are good pets but the ministry of magic has given them a rating of xxx. Here is a picture of one.     

Right homework time. I want you to try to find out about hedghogs and the differance between them and knarls.

Thursday 10 February 2011


Welcome to your muggle studies lessons. Your usual teacher has been hit with a rather bad jinx so she is not in today. So because I am a muggle I will teach you.
Muggle schools are very different to our schools. For example the lessons are different. The average lessons are maths, english, science, music, art, DT, history and geography. We will be learning about these lessons. Lets start with maths. Maths is the muggle lesson where students learn how to add, take away, times and divide with numbers. There are other lessons that are learnt such as fraction or decimals. Maths is very complicated and there are rules in mathematics. Maths is and always will be very important in the muggle world. For your homework can you please give me some examples of what muggles would use maths for.

Wednesday 9 February 2011


Brooms have been around for generations. Even though they are not developed enough to fly very long distances broomsticks have come a long way over the years. For instance a cushioning charm has now been made to make the broom more comfortable to sit on. There are many other things that have been changed as well. For your homework can you please write what these are. 

Monday 7 February 2011

Cooking class

Hi, I am Professor Wood and I am the the head chef in the kitchens. Once you leave school you will need to cook for yourself so each month I will give you a new recipe.
Lets start with a drink to complement any of your dishes. Pumpkin juice is a delicious drink that is easy to make.

2 cups of pumpkin, chopped up into chunks
2 cups of apple juice
½ cup of pineapple juice
1 teaspoon of honey
Cinnamon, Ginger, Nutmeg and Allspice

Step 1: Juice the pumpkin pieces by squeezing through a cloth, using a juicing charm or any other spell (or you could use a muggle blender).
Step 2: Pour the pumpkin juice, apple juice and pineapple juice into a mixer (or a muggle blender).
Step 3: Add the honey (I recommend you start with 1 teaspoon because you can add some later) to the juices and mix (blend) thoroughly.
Step 4: Add your spices but not too much.
Step 5: Chill your pumpkin juice or serve with ice

I hope you enjoy making and drinking your pumpkin juice. See you at Hogwarts and remember another recipe will be coming in March.