Monday 31 January 2011


Welcome to your first potions lesson. I will start by testing you so I know what level you are at. Here we go.

1. Where would I find a bezoar?
2. What magical abilities does a bezoar have?
3. What is the difference between wolfsbane, monkshood and aconite?
4. Name an ingredient in polyjuice potion.
5. Name another ingredient on polyjuice potion.
6. What does polyjuice potion do?
7. What does doxycide do?
8. What book would you need to find what gillyweed and mandrake is?
9. What magical abilities does gillyweed have?
10. What is the strongest truth potion called.

There will be no homework only to complete this test. I want this completed by Wednesday so I can mark it by next lesson.

1 comment:

  1. 1.In a goats tummy
    2.It can fly
    3. Nothing. They all have silly names.
    4. Polyjuice
    5. potion
    6. Turns into a potion
    7. Dunno
    8. Libary
    9. It turns into a gillyweed
    10. I know the truth
