Friday 28 January 2011

Wand wood

Well done, your homework was very good. Here is the dates of birth that correspond to the wood that a wand is made of.
Reed: October 28 - November 24
Birch: December 24 - January 20
Ivy: September 30 - October 27
Hawthorn: May 13 - June 9
Alder: March 18 - April 14
Oak: June 10 - July 7
Hazel: August 5 - September 1
Willow: April 15 - May 12
Elder: November 25 - December 23
Rowan: January 21 - February 17
Holly: July 8 - August 4
Ash: February 18 - March 17
Vine: September 2 - September 29
Each wand also has a core. Whether it is a feather from a phoenix or a hair from a veela.There are many other things that can be used for a core. Your homework is to find 1 other and give the name of it by next Friday. The timetable will be changing next week so the topic will not be on wands.

1 comment:

  1. Unicorn Tail Hair Is Another Core For A Wand.

